
Trustpilot unveils new features empowering businesses

Trustpilot Smartphone
May 15, 2024United Kingdomarrow icon

Washington, D.C. locals are in hot water, uncovering legal and financial problems when ignoring the fine print

March 25, 2024United Statesarrow icon

Termini e Condizioni? Un italiano su tre non li legge del tutto

March 25, 2024Italyarrow icon

La “Settimana Santa” della musica italiana: il 26% di chi era solito ordinare cibo a domicilio quest'anno ha deciso di rinunciarvi per ragioni economiche

February 5, 2024Italyarrow icon

Bulk Buy and Return: A quarter of Americans admit to buying more to save on shipping costs only to return the extras

December 4, 2023arrow icon

UK companies charging consumers to return goods face backlash as research finds 6 in 10 Brits think returns fees are wrong

December 4, 2023United Kingdomarrow icon

Il 58% degli italiani sceglie di non acquistare da rivenditori che fanno pagare la restituzione degli articoli

December 4, 2023Italyarrow icon

Fenomeno “dupe”: il 36% dei consumatori italiani dichiara di essere stato truffato quando ha acquistato un duplicato online

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November 13, 2023Italyarrow icon

49% of American Gen Z and Millennial social media users have been scammed purchasing a viral ‘dupe’ product

November 9, 2023arrow icon

Gli italiani e le imprese multiutility: recensioni positive in crescita nel Q3 nonostante l’aumento del costo della vita

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November 8, 2023Italyarrow icon

Over seventy percent of Americans tell ‘financial fibs’ up to four times a month — with 34 percent having hidden the amount of savings they have from their partner, Trustpilot finds

Financial Fibs - US stat
October 20, 2023arrow icon

A quarter of Brits tell ‘financial fibs’ up to four times a month - with 15 percent having hidden the amount of savings they have from their partner, Trustpilot research reveals

TP Industries 03
October 19, 2023United Kingdomarrow icon
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