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Discovery Files
The Cascadia Subduction Zone, located in the U.S. Pacific Northwest and southwestern British Columbia, has hosted magnitude ≥8.0 megathrust earthquakes in the geologic past, a future earthquake is imminent, and the potential impacts could cripple the region. Subduction zone earthquakes represent some of the most devastating natural hazards on Earth.
For the first time, NSF-funded researchers revealed a detailed look at the potential for a major earthquake off the coasts of southern British...
Discovery Files
Coral reef at the NSF Long-Term Ecological Research site in Moorea, French Polynesia, in January, 2024
The French Polynesian island Moorea is the most beautiful isle in the world, some say. Its lagoons are surrounded by reefs dominated by Porites corals...
NSF News
community college innovation challenge 2024 banner including three photos. First image - with a female giving a presentation. Second image - a group of people in front of white house. Third image a group of females hugging.
Today, the U.S. National Science Foundation, in partnership with the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC), announced the three winning...
Discovery Files
Scenery along U.S. Route 2 in rural Montana.
Whether they're fluffy, bright or ominous, clouds are key to regulating Earth's energy and water cycles. Two sets of U.S. National Science Foundation...
Discovery Files
A visualization of cold carbon monoxide gas in the Sculptor Galaxy captured by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA).
In May 2024, experts from the U.S. National Science Foundation National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NSF NRAO) and the medical imaging field presented...
Discovery Files
A microscopic image of a blood clot containing synthetic platelet-like-particles. Fibrin is shown in green and the synthetic platelets are pink.
A research team has developed synthetic platelets that can stop bleeding and enhance healing at the site of an injury. They demonstrated that the...
NSF News
Dr. Panch attended the 12th Global Research Council (GRC) Annual Meeting, which was held in Interlaken, Switzerland, from 27 to 31 May 2024. Dr. Panch was invited to give remarks and participate in discussions on sustainable research
NSF Director Sethuraman Panchanathan traveled to Interlaken, Switzerland, to join international partners for the Global Research Council's (GRC)...
NSF News
NSF banner for TRUST - trusted research using safeguards and transparency. Overlayed with imagery of two people shaking hands and an aerial view of the world from space.
The U.S. National Science Foundation has announced a new risk mitigation process, the Trusted Research Using Safeguards and Transparency (TRUST)...
Discovery Files
A collage of images of parts of the pinyon pine (pinus edulis). From top to bottom and left to right, the images show needles, cones, bark and a whole tree.
New data on over 1,500 trees across nearly 1,000 sites shows that an existing theory of how individuals within a species will respond to a changing...
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