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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Luffy getting hurt by pistol is not very realistic, tststs. Great game, please give me more <3

Same Idea ^^, Its a bit slow especially the beginnig and it doesnt get harder in the end. Was thinking about using a Virus Theme too :)

Same Idea, but I love the artstyle, and does it end after a while? Im currently walking without any enemies coming out :)

Thanks, sadly I was limited in time to playtest and fix the balance

Thanks, yeah Godot for the win. The Windows Version work and in my browser the sound too, the web export is a bit wonky

Hm good idea, maybe for a game jam game, but it kinda destroys the style of the game. Thanks for playing :)

Yeah I always wanted to create a Foddian game, but maybe its not the best for a game jam, Thanks for playing tho :)

Yeah Foddian games like Getting over it and Jump King were great Inspirations. Thanks for playing :)

Yeah I noticed that the jump takes a bit to get into, so will add a training area / tutorial. Thanks for playing

Thanks a lot :)

Good point, thats because of the double jump, but maybe a tutorial map or somewhere to train the mechanics would be nice idea

Very polished, great game, feels like a good smartphone game with online matchmaking or something like that, play against friends and stuff. Good job!

Wow what a game, looks great, but coudnt beat the first level ;(

Roast the marshmallow :) cute little clicker game. Great sounds and the Ragdoll sack is really fun

Damn cyclists get out of the middle of the road! Good job and done with Typescript … mind blown!

Wow, great game, the camera move confused me a lot tho.

Great artstyle, very addicting, loved it

Short and fun game, positioning the ducks is a bit fiddlely, but its still pretty easy, looks great, good job

Simple, fun, great artstyle and flying the bee feels nice

Playing with a non english keyboard makes this unnecessarily difficult, its a bit clunky switching between the 3 + arrow keys. Looks and sounds great and a good idea nonetheless

Great game, needs a bit more feedback if you click in the right rhythm or you get hit. Other then that I like the style and a good idea for a phone game

Holy moly, very fun, great idea, chill music and good job

Looks great, reminds me of catan and I love it. Can see playing a finished version of it. Good job :)

I know this one :), bit of an easy version of flappy bird. Are you supposed to loose instant 2 lives when flying against a wall? I really liked the artstyle

Very interesting, had some scale problems, it always forced Fullscreen. Some instructions or information would have been nice, was confused quite a bit. Do you have to play all cards every round? Then its missing a bit of depth. Well done with the music and ambiance.

Good job, I dont like puzzle games, but this one was fun. I really liked the Wall jump animations :)

It looks so easy lol, will definitely try again later

Thanks a lot. :)

Looks great and very interesting concept! I liked it a lot :)

Thanks, yeah maybe a bit to hard for the game jam, but I love the challenge. After playing a while you will get the hang of the distance you can jump, its always further than you think :)

Looks great and well done for the first time with Godot :)

Thanks, yeah I love the challenge of Jump King and the sorts

Bit a random mix of artstyles and im not a fan of story games. But very interesting

Actually fun, didn’t expect it at first, but watching the tree evolve is great!

I tell you, watching other people play is a treat <3

Yeah it took me a while to get that highscore, with lots of falls :)

Thank you, yours had a nice jumping mechanic too ;)

Thanks a lot :)

Thanks, yours looks interesting too, will definitely try it later!

I like it, looks great and quite a challenge!