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A member registered Jul 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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Update: 6/10
This is a quick fix to address the slow progression near the end of the game
- the amount of credits near end game gained is now higher.
- some of the overdrive effects have been buffed.

Please let me know if there are any issues!

Yes, it is very tough

Appreciate the feedback! Thanks for playing!

thanks for playing!

Interesting, i will consider this

Thanks for the feedback!

that would do it!

Just to check, are you stopping the mouse over it? It will appear if the mouse hovers without moving for 0.5 seconds. Maybe i should make it shorter tho

Amazing, very cool to see!

that is good to know, thanks for the feedback. this was a prototype i made in about 2 weeks, just to test out how some ideas might work together. appreciate the feedback!

i think perhaps the feeling comes from it being too linear like you said - thanks for the feedback!

great ideas, thanks!

interesting... will investigate

when a target is destroyed it displays the value it gives briefly, is that zero?

hmm you should be able to hover over and it will have the full description... if it is not, would be curious what your browser is

Lol would be surprised if there wasn't an archery one yet

I agree, just not sure exactly what to do yet

interesting idea!

You should see any active skills on the center left, and be able to hover over them. is that what you are looking for?

should be fixed, thanks

thanks for playing!

thanks, will look into it

Thanks, glad it worked for you!

Took a bit but i have added this feature - let me know if u see any issues

some good points, ill keep them in mind!

you mean a way to check what skills will be available?

I have added a prestige mechanic and some more content. As mentioned previously, saves from before won't carry over. Let me know what you think!

sorry engine i am using does not support macos on web

that is fair, it is kind of a placeholder for now as i have plans :)

Good idea! I was also thinking about removing the limits

lol i was wondering if anyone would do that

lol nice

Small hotfix updates

  • Fixed import on saving duplicating
  • Fixed upgrades sometimes allowing you to overbuy

Let me know if you see any other issues!

should be fixed now

Thanks for reporting, should be fixed now

thanks for reporting the issue! i will investigate

lol how did you do that

Seems like your browser cannot run it, sorry. You can try to see if your browser can be updated, or you can try the desktop build if you have windows

That is a good idea - show upgrade levels or smth