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A member registered Oct 26, 2022

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I am not sure how to enter but this is my project.

I have  to say I am a  bit new on unity.


I think  so.

So cute!

Good because I can only build 2D games

soooo..... are yoy joining?

(1 edit)

If yes, I am interested! I also use Unity  and I can be part off your team! If you are talking to me, that is.

Including me?

Can you be in  Bradadiddle's team along with me? If Bradadiddle accepts me of course. If Bradadiddle doesn't, then we can be in our own team. Reply to let me know. 

What is the prize?

Yes, of course. I can help in GameOff .  I  am  a designer and programmer on Unity. I can also do game ideas, they will be perfect. I will know I invited in this team if you reply.


I may need a team. I am good at making game ideas and using Unity and Buildbox as  well. I can only make 2D games though.😀 Just tell me if  you are available to join.  

@silent (I may need a reply)

Do you need a team to join?


I would love to have you as a team member.  I am a game designer using Unity. Will you  accept?