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Informazioni BriannaBunBuns
I have a mom body if you don’t like that kind of stuff then I’m sorry, not something I can particularly change :). Be respectful, be kind, I’m all about peace. Also I do not have any other social media outside of chatting here I like to keep things to a minimum because I’m absolutely dreadful at checking messages unless it’s here. “Where can I go to tip?” Well fellow patron, I understand the frustrations of the tip function being there but also unavailable which is why I made my official *drum roll* CA it is BriannaBB08, here you can tip me but it is also completely optional, please do not feel like you have to this is just a side swipe to the tip function here on the website that does not work. Again, this is completely optional, do not do it you don’t want to, or are financially incapable to do so please, thank you! Addition to my bio due to wishlist links for some reason not appearing: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1964MARJTD45E?ref_=wl_share same rules apply from tips to wishlist :)
Situazione sentimentale: Impegnato/a
Interessato a: Ragazzi e Ragazze
Città e Stato: El Paso, United States
Genere: Femmina
Luogo di Nascita: United States of America
Altezza: 5' 4" (162cm)
Peso: 144lbs. (65kg)
Colore dei Capelli: Brunette
Tette Finte: No
Tatuaggi: No
Piercing: Yes
Città: Warsaw
Interessi e hobby: Gloving, video games, YouTube, the outdoors, walks, and memes.
Cosa Mi Eccita: Neck kisses, romance, wine and dine, open mindedness, friction.
Visualizzazioni Video: 2 934 004
Visualizzazioni del Profilo: 1 232 542
Video Guardati: 451
Mostrati 1-24 di 327


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Alright I've got a mighty question here. For the el pasoans here because I know I've got a few from this area or at least close enough....is it normal to go out and say have lunch, breakfast, then kind of wander and go to stores, come home and somehow get a fever of 100.5 Fahrenheit? This has happened to me twice now from the Friday before I got a fever and a bad cough, this morning I went out to breakfast and explored a bit, came home, and once again another fever....either I just have some really bad luck or my body is like "what are you doing!? Go home right this minute young lady!"
  • 9
2 giorni fa
It is allergy season.
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3 giorni fa
Hope you feel better.
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If you haven't already guessed from my last few videos I've got really bad sunburn on my chest and face as well as my shoulders. I swear to everyone here I put on sunscreen with high SPF it's just the blazing sun here completely burns through it haha!
  • 12
- caricati 2 nuovi video!
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Hello all I apologize for my inactivity I was stricken with a bad fever Friday afternoon and it knocked me out pretty much all weekend on and off.
  • 14
1 settimana fa
Damn that sounds horrible
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- caricato 1 nuovo video!
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Good afternoon/evening to you all~ I recorded today because an idea sparked my mind while I was doing some shopping. I want you all to know that this will more than likely be a longer video, consider it a massive edging session because my God it took me forever to get to where I needed to be, I apologize that it is so long and that there's not a whole lot going on, I just had the idea, decided to go through with it today so hopefully when it uploads you all can still enjoy it for what it is 🙂 thank you for your continued patience and support~!
  • 17
1 settimana fa
@crazy_usa it should upload momentarily when I upload it has to go through a verification process make sure everything's in tip top shape before showcasing but when it does upload it'll be available right on my profile 🙂
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1 settimana fa
Where can I see it my love?
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3 weeks and a new toy later I finally managed to record I'm just waiting for it to upload 🙂 hopefully it somewhat makes up for my absence~ I've got another new toy but I want to save that for another video 🙂 💝 I love you all stay safe and if I don't wish it later I'm gonna wish it now happy Mothers day to everyone out there I hope you're celebrated in your own special way 🙂!
  • 17
2 settimane fa
Welcome back.... any chance whenever no rush, some Anal Gape or Foreplay ?
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- caricato 1 nuovo video!
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Good morning everyone I know it's been roughly......two weeks I think? Since I've uploaded or have kept others updated maybe less than that...I needed to take a small step back to reassess myself and my life, I feel a lot more confident and positive in myself than I have for a long time and it's thanks to both the people around me physically and also online as well as my own motivations that drive me to do better....it may not seem like much but for the first time in my almost 28 years of living.....I went to lunch on my own, with no friends, or family, or anyone to order for me and actually sat down in a crowded environment without panicking or fidgeting. It may not seem like a big deal but if you knew me personally and the anxiety I had troubles with you will know. That's the other subject I wanted to touch on is my life. People only know certain aspects and I like to keep it that way, only people I can trust know a good portion of my life but there's still MORE to it.....I have hobbies I enjoy, music I love, I like to challenge myself, I like to get down and dirty with cars, I like to challenge my intellect with mathematics I'm learning about projectiles in engagements, I have a set of throwing knives, I like plants and gardening, I'm learning German in my spare time, I'm not just BriannaBunBuns I'm a whole individual with goals, a heart, soul, just the same as you....so please, unlike myself that let someone undermind my individuality DO NOT let someone undermine you.....do not let someone come into your life and tell you that you've only X and Y when in reality you're the whole ass alphabet or a jack of all trades.....you're important, you're amazing, I'm amazing, I'm important to people that need me and my guidance as a figure......there are people who need you and you are important to them as a figure...I apologize for my lengthy break and if you have any ideas please toss them my way and I'll see what I can do 🙂 thank you for reading this tangent and still enjoying my content with or without my presence.
  • 30
3 settimane fa
First of all! I am glad to know that you are improving, not only is everything about this website but also how you comment, goals, achievements and advances in life. I hope you improve day by day, baby steps are always important because it is the beginning of something, if you need someone to chat with, believe me, I will gladly listen and read to you, I hope you have a great week
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I need to throw it out there because I've fallen down a rabbit hole that is covered in oil, lubricants, grease, floor polish, and wax so there is no chance of return for me. I have an extreme masked fetish/kink and it's making me lose my mind. It's gotten to the point that I have had lucid dreams about König from call of duty I felt the need to throw something out onto stream instead of the usual "sorry haven't uploaded yadayadayada" I figured 1. This would make people laugh and 2. It's a factual event in my life! Send help, preferably masked. 😂😅
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