Francesco Bigiarini: defeating AIs with a screwdriver

I am a computer programmer, lover of languages and hacker

  • I was always fascinated by the idea that just one man could have created TempleOS. Building an OS alone in 10 years is like building a one-man-built skyscraper. I’ve decided to try to understand HolyC, the C “dialect” the OS is written, even for fun, because I am sure I will never be able to […]

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  • These days, I’m studying the PHP core to see the various techniques used. This is part 1 of our journey, where we will add a patch to an existing construct. Approaching such a big project takes work. Adding a new function is pretty simple. Here is a quick example written in C taken from the […]

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  • Today, I saw a PHP error you don’t see everyday: Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: 28 arguments are required, 1 given in… You heard it right. There was somewhere a function that needed 28 arguments. Well, not exactly that number. Fortunately, the PHP stack trace is kind enough to give you enough information to solve the […]

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  • Today a relatively innocent change to a line of a PHP codebase I’m working on did screw up multiple unit tests where the value expected was an empty array. Spent a couple of hours following the code flow till I found a very simple check: Is it elementary? No, it isn’t. This is because the […]

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  • I discovered GitHub many years ago (2009 or similar) through a small heart emoji. I remember it well, though I don’t know exactly where. GitHub gave me something for free. I discovered it and paid for it.

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  • My blog is written in English, but my Sci-fi novels and book are written in Italian. That’s why I have created a plugin that allows me to set the locale of a post or a page. It is now released as open source on It adds a select meta box in the post editor […]

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  • I remember years ago Steve Jobs talking about programming. It was that period when I went down the street with my 992s and black turtle neck. Nowadays, I don’t consider another human being a person I would like to be.There are people I consider geniuses, but I’ve changed. I have TAOCP volume two ready to […]

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  • È online il secondo capito del mio libro. È intitolato UUIDdo.

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  • Natura Macchina è un libro che ho scritto durante un anno di grande dolore e solitudine. Un momento della vita dove la sofferenza è quello che ti trascina fino alla fine della giornata. Quando non vedi mai l’accadere delle cose ma solo la loro fine, cosa che vorresti accadesse per tutto. È suddiviso in circa quattro […]

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  • This isn’t the best for me. This is why I’ve started a nighttime project called Warudo. An HTTP server that let you store JSONs and search it using JSON path like $.c[2] or similar. Pretty boring? Hold on: It is already kinda run for simple GET and POST requests. There are no sophisticated security protections […]

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