Lago launches with a $22M funding round & serves leading tech companies

Chosen by leading companies around the world

The billing solution loved by companies around the globe

Loved by engineers, business and finance teams.

We chose Lago as Mistral's provider because we believe in the open-source ecosystem. They have been able to follow the pace of our releases and have allowed us to focus on what we do best.

Timothée Lacroix

co-founder and CTO at

When we started Swan, we didn’t have in mind the full scope of intricacies of the revenue stack we’d have to build for an embedded banking platform like ours. After a thorough benchmark of available options, we decided to switch from a legacy solution to Lago as they proved to offer the strongest product, as the team has a deep understanding of hybrid monetization streams.

Nicolas Saison

co-founder and COO at

Big fan of Lago's work. Payments and billing create huge underrated nightmares for engineers. With their open-source approach, Lago can help solve the long tail of challenges. Lago provides a solid foundation for Billing engineers to build on and customize to their needs. The team is super reactive and experienced in the space too!

Joel Taylor

Sr. Billing Engineer at Github

I wish Lago existed when we started Algolia.

We've revamped our billing stack three times and even went through a failed implementation with Zuora. We totally underestimated the complexity of billing at the time, and our needs were too specific for closed-source vendors.

Nicolas Dessaigne

Co-founder at Algolia / Partner at Y Combinator

The problem

Metering and billing are still nightmares

Numerous edge cases. Constant pricing changes. Looming scalability issues.

For Engineers

Have all the edge cases been covered? Metering per second, pre-aggregation, data clean-up, custom plans, scalability for growth... There are too many topics to list them all.

For Revenue leaders

The average startup sees a 20% bump in ARR when iterating on pricing*. Don’t let your metering and billing system prevent you from improving your pricing and increasing ARR.

For Finance teams

Clunky data reprocessing, invoicing mistakes, tedious reporting tasks and above all, the anxiety of having missed another detail that had to be addressed manually.

The solution

Composable metering and billing

Usage monitoring

Plug-and-play metering

Tired of pre-aggregating and cleaning data, so that it can be used for billing? Skip this step. Connect your data sources to Lago, as they are, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Scalable and low-maintenance

Out-of-the-box billing system

Our billing product includes a first-class API for engineers and a pixel-perfect user interface for business teams. Everything we build, you won’t have to build yourself: subscription, usage computations, billing cycles, dates, currencies, etc.

More control

Composability and security

We’re open-source, so it’s not ‘buy Lago or build it yourself’, there’s a third option: you can build on top of Lago. Audit our code and keep your data within your infrastructure, if you want full control.


Two hosting options, same benefits

Whether you choose the cloud version or decide to host the solution yourself, you will benefit from our powerful API and user-friendly interface.

Lago Premium

The optimal solution for teams with control and flexibility.


Lago Open Source

The optimal solution for small projects.
