Zero-knowledge Jobs

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Hyphen Connect Limited

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

$121k - $164k



$100k - $150k


London, United Kingdom

$126k - $150k




San Francisco, CA, United States

$81k - $95k


Singapore, Singapore

$72k - $77k


London, United Kingdom

Solana Foundation


$140k - $180k


Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

$72k - $150k



$175k - $206k


London, United Kingdom

$81k - $95k


$86k - $112k



$68k - $148k

Prover Network


$85k - $112k

Open Systems Technologies

New York, NY, United States

$100k - $200k


Lausanne, Switzerland

$18k - $81k

Hyphen Connect Limited
$121k - $164k est.
HK Hong Kong

We are hiring for one of our ecosystem projects. The company is a seed-stage, stealth-mode rocket ship on a mission to accelerate adoption of zero-knowledge proofs. While the demand to generate proofs is exploding, the web3 ecosystem lacks a scalable infrastructure to generate proofs. They are building a cost-efficient and performant marketplace for proof generation, where the supply is a distributed network of GPUs, FPGAs and ASICs around the world.

We are seeking an experienced R&D Engineer to join their team that operates in an environment of shared accountability and without hierarchy. In this role, you will be responsible for designing and continually improving upon the protocol’s architecture. You will write internal and external-facing documentation that assimilates concepts from relevant projects and research papers.

As an early team member, you will help shape not only the protocol, but also who we are as a company. You will set a technical standard and eventually become one of our core contributors. You will have the freedom and autonomy to shape the direction of our culture and platform, contributing your ideas and expertise to drive its evolution. You will be challenged with complex problem-solving in a rapidly evolving problem space.

If you are passionate and enthusiastic about the web3 industry, come and join our team!

In this role, you will:

  • Collaborate with small team to architect a distributed systems protocol
  • Research and compare potential tech stacks the protocol could be based on
  • Research on relevant protocols to inspire our architecture
  • Collaborate with the team in developing the protocol
  • Create high-quality external- and internal-facing documentations

You might thrive in this role if you have:

  • Experience working on mechanism designs; for example, DeFi and auction protocols
  • Knowledge of common Web3 tech stacks
  • High-quality documentation skills
  • Experience in working on greenfield projects
  • Thrives in and nurtures a culture of excellence and delivery
  • Experience in R&D and/or academic background in computer science
  • Grit necessary to function at fast-paced start-up
  • Ability to code in Rust and Solidity


What is Zero-knowledge?

Zero-knowledge is a concept in cryptography that allows two parties to exchange information without revealing any additional information beyond what is necessary to prove a particular fact

In other words, zero-knowledge is a way of proving something without actually revealing any details about the proof

Here are some examples of zero-knowledge:

  1. Password authentication: When you enter your password to log into an online account, the server doesn't actually know your password. Instead, it checks to see if the hash of your password matches the stored hash in its database. This is a form of zero-knowledge because the server doesn't know your actual password, just the hash that proves you know the correct password.
  2. Sudoku puzzles: Suppose you want to prove to someone that you've solved a particularly difficult Sudoku puzzle. You could do this by providing them with the completed puzzle, but that would reveal how you solved it. Instead, you could use a zero-knowledge proof where you demonstrate that you know the solution without actually revealing the solution itself.
  3. Bitcoin transactions: In a Bitcoin transaction, you prove that you have ownership of a certain amount of Bitcoin without revealing your private key. This is done using a zero-knowledge proof called a Schnorr signature, which allows you to prove ownership of a specific transaction output without revealing the private key associated with that output.
  4. Secure messaging: In a secure messaging app, you can prove to your contacts that you have access to a shared secret without revealing the secret itself. This is done using a zero-knowledge proof, which allows you to prove that you have access to the secret without actually revealing what the secret is.