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Friday, 11 February 2011

Christmas comes but once a year.

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Light is the task where many share the toil.
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De Proverbio is Latin for 'About the Proverb'. It was founded in 1995 as the world's first multilingual electronic journal of proverb studies.
While you are able to browse all the original articles and ebooks on proverbs published over the years, in 2006 we introduced an extensive collection of more than 40,000 quotations which can be browsed by author and/or by topic. At the same time we are excited to offer our users a free Proverb of the Day in 6 languages to listen to online or to subscribe to. A quote of the day is also available on the quotations page.

We hope to make your experience on De Proverbio site a very enjoyable one.

Proverbs are like butterflies, some are caught, some fly away
Los refranes son como las mariposas, hay los que se cogen y los que se vuelan
Os provérbios são como as borboletas, alguns se apanham, outros não
Les proverbes ressemblent aux papillons; on en attrape quelques-uns, les autres s'envolent
I proverbi sono come le farfalle, alcuni sono presi, altri volano via
Proverbele sunt ca fluturii, unele se pot prinde, altele nu
a Spreekwoorden zijn als vlinders; sommige worden gevangen, andere vliegen weg
ger Sprichwörter sind Schmetterlinge, einige werden gefangen, andere fliegen fort

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The banner illustration is a fragment of Pieter Bruegel's painting "The Netherlandish Proverbs", 1559