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Upstream 2024
Upstream 2024

A one-day celebration of open source, the developers who use it, and the maintainers who make it.

How to reduce your organization's reliance on
How to reduce your organization's reliance on "bad" open source packages

Watch this webinar when Lauren will go over the ways to reduce your organizations reliance on “bad” open source packages and will review what “bad” open source package really means.

The Tidelift guide to reducing security risk from bad open source packages
The Tidelift guide to reducing security risk from bad open source packages

Learn how to proactively reduce security risk from bad open source packages and use open source with confidence with the Tidelift Subscription.


How to reduce your organization's reliance on "bad" open source packages
Watch this webinar when Lauren will go over the ways to reduce your organizations reliance on “bad” open source packages and will review what “bad” open source package really means.
2024 recommendations to proactively reduce open source risk
An overview of IDC research and current recommendations for application development and security leaders to improve open source resilience and reduce risk
Life as a maintainer after the xz utils backdoor hack
The explosive details about the recent xz utils backdoor hack, in which a volunteer open source maintainer was manipulated over a period of years into giving commit access to their project, have sent shudders across all open source communities.


Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for Open-Source Software, 2023
Gartner’s Hype Cycle reports are meant to help understand the commercial viability of and maturity timeline of new technology trends.
The importance of a sound open source supply chain management strategy
As part of an open source software strategy, organizations are increasingly hosting curated OSS package management and artifact repositories internally to mitigate risk and reduce developer friction.
Best practices for safely and effectively building enterprise software applications with open source
Guest speaker IDC Research Director Jim Mercer shares insights from recent IDC research into how organizations can safely and effectively use open source for building applications.

Guides and reports

The Tidelift guide to reducing security risk from bad open source packages
Learn how to proactively reduce security risk from bad open source packages and use open source with confidence with the Tidelift Subscription.
10 questions you should answer before using an open source project
The easiest way to avoid having to replace problematic open source dependencies is to not bring them in at all. Learn more in our newest inforgraphic.
The Tidelift 2023 open source maintainer impact report
Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about how they fund their work, what they enjoy about being a maintainer, what they don’t like so much, along with a host of other interesting insights.

Case studies

ROI case study: The value of a proactive approach to open source application security
Hear from a Tidelift customer who worked with Tidelift and its maintainer partners to save time and money while strengthening the resilience of the open source powering their applications.
Maintainer case study: How a popular Python project established a documented and streamlined security process
Maintainer Jeffrey A. Clark used income from Tidelift and its customers to significantly improve security practices used to maintain Pillow, a popular Python Image Library package downloaded 3 million times a day.
Maintainer case study: Eliminating the risk of RCE vulnerabilities in jacksondatabind
Maintainer Tatu Saloranta used income from Tidelift and its customers to completely rearchitect jackson-databind and eliminate the risk of RCE vulnerabilities.


The 2023 Tidelift state of the open source maintainer report
Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about how they fund their work, what they enjoy about being a maintainer, what they don’t like so much, along with a host of other interesting insights.
The 2022 open source software supply chain survey report
Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists—including software developers, engineering executives and managers, architects, and devops pros—who build applications with open source.
The 2021 Tidelift open source maintainer survey
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers.


The impact of bad open source packages on enterprise application development
Watch this demo to learn how eliminating bad open source packages can lead to lowering security risks, improving productivity, improving application quality, and increasing operational efficiency.
Life as a maintainer after the xz utils backdoor hack
The explosive details about the recent xz utils backdoor hack, in which a volunteer open source maintainer was manipulated over a period of years into giving commit access to their project, have sent shudders across all open source communities.
Open source management and policy compliance demo
Watch this quick demo to learn how Tidelift can help your organization generate software bills of materials (SBOMs) and implement open source usage and management standards consistently across development teams.


We ask a lawyer about GitHub Copilot
Luis Villa of Tidelift joins the show to discuss GitHub Copilot and the implications of an AI pair programmer from a legal perspective.
Supporting Python open source projects and maintainers
How do you define open source software? What are the challenges an open source project and maintainers face?
Maintainer spotlight! Ned Batchelder
In this episode we’re shinning our maintainer spotlight on Ned Batchelder.

Upstream podcast

Upstream podcast E1S1: The future of open
What we got wrong about crypto, what we might get right about AI video
Open joy!: How happiness helps open happen
In this week’s episode of the Upstream podcast, Luis Villa sits with Annie Rauwerda of Depths of Wikipedia and Sumana Harihareswara, stand-up comedian and founder of Changeset Consulting.
Open and developer culture: What happened to people when software went open?
In this week’s episode of the Upstream podcast, Luis Villa sits with Kellan Elliot-McCrea of Adobe and Adam Jacon, CEO of System Initiative. Should software development teams be a team sport or an orchestra rather than a factory?


Upstream 2024: key findings and solutions for the usual open source problems
Upstream 2024: key findings and solutions for the usual open source problems
Upstream preview: Government carrot, government stick: Exploring two contrasting approaches to improving open source security
Upstream preview: Government carrot, government stick: Exploring two contrasting approaches to improving open source security
Upstream preview: Welcome to Upstream 2024
Upstream preview: Welcome to Upstream 2024


Tidelift raises $27M to secure open source supply chain
Tidelift raises $27M to secure open source supply chain
Tidelift raises $27 million in Series C funding as open source software supply chain health and security become urgent priorities
Tidelift raises $27 million in Series C funding as open source software supply chain health and security become urgent priorities
Venture Capital Deals
Venture Capital Deals