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    Livecoding recap #40: react-navigation with React Native

    This is a Livecoding Recap – an almost-weekly post about interesting things discovered while livecoding. Usually shorter than 500 words. Often with pictures. Livecoding happens almost every Sunday at 2pm PDT on multiple channels. You should follow My Youtube channel to catch me live.

    I channeled my inner Darth Vader yet again. Still don't know why my sound is garbled on YouTube, but works on LiveEdu. They're both using the same stream 😕

    This weekend, I wanted to try out react-navigation because I've heard a lot about it. Supposed to be the big new (official) thing since Navigator was deprecated in April.

    So I set out to build a travel app. You say where you're going, app tells you what to pack. I have no idea where I'm going to get lists of what to pack for different situations, but it seemed like a good way to try react-navigation.

    Looks a bit like this:

    Pictures are from Flickr. I figured out how to do that in my Music App tutorial. Maybe I should make an opensource "show random pretty pic from Flickr" component. Seems useful 🤔

    Anyway, pics from Flickr, navigation done via react-navigation, lists of choices done by hand. No biggie there… still not sure how I'm going to get packing recommendations.

    I wonder how difficult it would be to add crowdsourcing to the app… a bit of Firebase, some setup, a call or two… hmmmm. We'll see.

    Either way, expect an in-depth tutorial about all of this on reactnative.school come Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday if I decide to wait for my new laptop to arrive.

    Really, the hardest part of today's livecoding was dealing with my computer. Damn thing is so slow when running OBS and connecting to my DSLR that it took 15 minutes to compile the initial blank app.

    And animations were slow in the iOS simulator and interaction was painful and I could barely type in the chatroom and even the Flickr images were taking way too long to show up. Just watch the stream video; it's painful as hell.

    Reminds me of playing Resident Evil on my 166MHz machine with 16MB RAM back in middle school. I'd read books during the door opening animations.

    These ones:

    Yeah, that used to take 5 minutes on my computer in middle school :D

    Great game tho. Much fun.

    So yeah, fun livecoding, we made something pretty, then I ragequitted because I couldn't deal with my laptop anymore. Thank <insert nerd deity> that I'm getting a new one in the mail this Wednesday.

    Then all will be better, right?

    Published on June 12th, 2017 in Livecoding, Technical

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