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    First JavaScript meetup in Ljubljana is right around the corner

    Cupcakes by lamantin
    Cupcakes by lamantin

    A while ago I realized that whenever someone asks me if I know any javascript developers, I always come up empty. Shame on me! Using a technology heavily for many years and not really knowing anyone from the community.

    That's why I decided to organise a meetup! The first purely Javascript event in Ljubljana. Sure there have been barcamps and webcamps and mobilecamps ... plenty of occasional Javascript users come to those, but that's not what we're on about here. This time we want to focus on people who use Javascript a lot.

    Come join us on the 30th of April at 7pm in Kiberpipa! It's gonna be fun!

    People doing full stack Javascript, or writing fancy frontend apps in various MV* frameworks. That sort of stuff. It's time the community gets to know each other, or at least for me to find the community. :)

    I'm happy to announce that after weeks of effort (read: remembering to send an email or tweet a link once in a while) we finally have four presenters, free beer and plenty of people who promised they'd make it. Hooray!

    There's even going to be a lady giving one of those talks! That one did actually take a lot of effort to find ... I don't know what is it with girls, but it sure is difficult to find some willing to give a talk about something cool in front of a bunch of dudes. We're not that scary, are we?

    Here's the list of talks:

    There are also going to be cupcakes!

    What do you think a JavaScript Cupcake should look like? I really need your help with this one. Google doesn't have a single idea. Imagine that, all these years and nobody's tried to design a javascript cupcake before.

    Published on April 18th, 2013 in Uncategorized

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