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    Build privacy-focused blazing fast tweet embeds – CodeWithSwiz 30

    Twitter embeds every tweet on your page as an iframe. Loads 1.2MB of JavaScript, makes 20+ HTTP requests and uses 100+ DOM nodes. 💩

    You can feel your browser lagging when there's a few tweets up there. Like running with a parachute.

    Last week we set out to fix this with a Gatsby plugin for Twitter embeds without JavaScript. This week we got it working 🤘

    Here's the full build, read on for a recap and how it works

    Full code at Github Gist, needs cleanup before opensourcing as a library 😇

    CodeWithSwiz is a weekly live show. Like a podcast with video and fun hacking. Focused on experiments and open source. Join live Tuesday mornings

    The setup

    We're building a plugin for the gatsby-remark-embedder Gatsby plugin. Because that's what I use on my sites :)

    You can adapt this technique for anything. Even NextJS.

    It works like this:

    1. On page render (during build or server-side-render)
    2. Take tweet ID from URL
    3. Call Twitter API, get data
    4. Construct HTML
    5. Replace URL with HTML

    gatsby-remark-embedder runs my code on Markdown nodes that look potentially like tweet urls. You could turn it into an MDX plugin, or build a React component.

    When users load your page the tweets are there. In the initial HTML. No client-side JavaScript, no iframe shenanigans, no tracking.

    Grab tweet data from Twitter

    Last time we discovered that Twitter's oEmbed API, an embedding standard, doesn't give us everything we need. No author avatars, no like and reply counts, no media links.

    You can get those and more from Twitter API v2 /tweets/:id.

    We're using the opensource twitter-lite client. Looks solid, nice API, works great. 👌

    Initialize Twitter client

    A memoized function initializes the client.

    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // Memoized twitter client instance
    let twitterClient = null
    async function getAppClient() {
      if (twitterClient) {
        return twitterClient
      // init user-client
      const user = new Twitter({
        consumer_key: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY,
        consumer_secret: process.env.TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET,
      // create app-client with higher limits
      const response = await user.getBearerToken()
      twitterClient = new Twitter({
        version: "2",
        extension: false,
        bearer_token: response.access_token,
      return twitterClient

    Global variable holds the client instance. If variable defined, return, if not, initialize.

    Each initialization logs into Twitter with an API call for the bearer token. You don't wanna do this for every tweet on your entire website.

    Get a tweet

    With an initialized and logged-in client, we can get a tweet using its ID.

    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // fetch tweet from API
    async function getTweet(tweetId) {
      const client = await getAppClient()
      try {
        const tweet = await client.get(`tweets/${tweetId}`, {
          "tweet.fields": "public_metrics,created_at",
          expansions: "author_id,attachments.media_keys",
          "user.fields": "name,username,url,profile_image_url",
          "media.fields": "preview_image_url,url",
        return tweet
      } catch (e) {
      return null

    For simplicity, we always get the client in this function. Makes logic self-contained and we aren't worried about overdoing it thanks to memoization.

    client.get(tweet/:id) fetches a tweet. Careful incantation of parameters gives us the extra info we need. Author, media, and metrics.

    Response looks like this:

      data: {
        text: 'My man @Swizec went and sent me a signed first edition of this soon to be classic 👊 https://t.co/Gw8cTIY7pH',
        public_metrics: {
          retweet_count: 1,
          reply_count: 2,
          like_count: 18,
          quote_count: 0
        attachments: {
          media_keys: [ '3_1388192274866126849', '3_1388192274874523648' ]
        author_id: '68567860',
        id: '1388192278884331530',
        created_at: '2021-04-30T18:03:25.000Z'
      includes: {
        media: [
            media_key: '3_1388192274866126849',
            type: 'photo',
            url: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E0PZhN9WQAEMhsJ.jpg'
          // ...
        users: [
            name: 'Adam Rackis',
            profile_image_url: 'https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1183169082243375104/FwXKVe5H_normal.jpg',
            id: '68567860',
            username: 'AdamRackis',
            url: 'https://t.co/sJJo16akDF'

    Fun gotcha: You have to request expansions: "author_id,attachments.media_keys" for media.fields and author.fields to work. Detail buried in API docs.

    A simplified tweet HTML

    The getHTML function tells gatsby-remark-embedder what to replace a Markdown node with. Tweet comes in as a URL.

    Before our plugin, tweets turned into <blockquote> elements that the Twitter JavaScript would turn into monster iframes on page load. Often with a big delay. Sometimes breaking on mobile.

    Now we do this 👇

    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    async function getHTML(url) {
      const twitterUrl = url.replace("events", "moments")
      const tweetId = twitterUrl.split("/").pop()
      const tweet = await getTweet(tweetId)
      if (!tweet) {
        console.log("TWEET NOT FOUND", twitterUrl, tweetId)
        return ""
      return buildTweetHTML(tweet)

    We borrowed the events -> moments transform from the original plugin. Gonna need to test if that still works. 🤔

    tweetId is the last element of the URL when split by /. This will break if you include any ?... cruft when embedding.

    Like I said, not ready yet for opensource :)

    Then we get the tweet and buildTweetHTML.


    This function is a mess. You can see it in full at line 63 of the Gist.

    It's a mess because we're handcrafting HTML and can't use React. No JSX transform deep in the bowels of a Gatsby plugin.

    And it's very procedural. Reads like a step-by-step recipe.

    1. Get the author
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    const author = tweet.includes.users.find(
      (user) => user.id === tweet.data.author_id

    You can't guarantee author is the first user in the list. Gotta find by id.

    1. Reconstruct the tweet URL
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    const tweetURL = `https://twitter.com/${author.username}/status/${tweet.data.id}`
    1. Construct the author HTML
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    const authorHTML = `<a class="author" href="${author.url}"><img src="${author.profile_image_url}" loading="lazy" alt="${author.name} avatar" /><b>${author.name}</b>@${author.username}</a>`

    Great candidate for a React component huh 😅

    Rendered Author HTML
    Rendered Author HTML
    1. The tweet HTML is easy
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    const tweetHTML = `<blockquote>${tweet.data.text.replace(
    rendered tweet html
    rendered tweet html
    1. Media HTML is a list of images
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    function buildMediaList(media) {
      const width = media.length > 1 ? "50%" : "100%"
      return media
          (media) =>
            `<img src="${
              media.preview_image_url || media.url
            }" width="${width}" loading="lazy" alt="Tweet media" />`
    // buildTweetHTML
    const mediaHTML = tweet.includes.media
      ? `<div class="media">${buildMediaList(tweet.includes.media)}</div>`
      : ""

    Tried to use CSS for media widths and couldn't hack it. We know from experience that twitter renders images at 50% and in multiple rows.

    loading="lazy" is important for Lighthouse scores. Ensures you aren't loading images users can't see.

    Rendered media html
    Rendered media html
    1. Finally, the metadata HTML is a complete mess
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    const createdAtHTML = `<div class="time"><a href="${tweetURL}">${new Date(
    ).toLocaleTimeString()} – ${new Date(
    const likeIntent = `https://twitter.com/intent/like?tweet_id=${tweet.data.id}`
    const replyIntent = tweetURL
    const statsHTML = `<div class="stats"><a href="${likeIntent}" class="like">${likesSVG}${tweet.data.public_metrics.like_count}</a> <a href="${replyIntent}" class="reply">${repliesSVG}${tweet.data.public_metrics.reply_count}</a></div>`


    But it works and that's what matters.

    Rendered metadata html
    Rendered metadata html
    1. Put it all together
    // src/StaticTwitterEmbed.js
    // buildTweetHTML
    return `<div><div class="static-tweet-embed">

    And you get a great looking tweet:

    Final rendered tweet
    Final rendered tweet

    The CSS styles

    You need CSS to make all that HTML look like a tweet.

    This little bit gets you most of the way there:

    div.static-tweet-embed {
      display: flex;
      flex-direction: column;
      font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica,
        Arial, sans-serif;
      max-width: 550px;
      width: 100%;
      margin-top: 10px;
      margin-bottom: 10px;
      border: 1px solid rgb(196, 207, 214);
      border-radius: 12px;
      padding: 12px 16px 4px 16px;
    div.static-tweet-embed blockquote {
      margin: 0;
      font-size: 20px;
      padding: 0px;
      border: 0px;
      color: rgb(15, 20, 25);
      line-height: 24px;

    System fonts, border, rounded corners, padding, correctly sized text.

    You can see (and borrow) the rest on the public gist.

    The result

    Your page feels faster. It's hard to explain, you have to try.

    Scroll to the bottom here 👉 https://serverlesshandbook-4d7y3ge3f-swizec.vercel.app/

    Now scroll here 👉 https://serverlesshandbook.dev

    Feel the difference? Reload at bottom for extra groan


    PS: yes, you can measure the impact with Lighthouse, it's not invisible – 43 becomes 54 :)

    Published on May 12th, 2021 in CodeWithSwiz, Technical, Twitter, Gatsby, Livecoding

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