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R. G. Justin
2009 Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine  
After retirement it is a great joy to meet former patients who hug, greet, and take care of you. (J Am Board Fam Med 2009;22:335-6.) This article was externally peer reviewed.
doi:10.3122/jabfm.2009.03.080178 pmid:19429741 fatcat:ewadfnjrfrdcnje3y3acoxmnsa


Myrvin H. Ellestad
2009 Journal of the American College of Cardiology  
However, they have overlooked one important ingredient essential in advancing the science of cardiology-serendipity.  ...  Serendipity is described in Webster's dictionary as indicating penetrating intelligence, keen perception, and sound judgment.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2009.03.046 pmid:19573740 fatcat:lkiijvrpyngmthztoqop6azdsm


J C Neely
1997 Western Journal of Medicine  
Lessons From the Practice Serendipity JAMES C. NEELY, MD, San Francisco, California It is defined as the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.  ...  Serendipity. West J Med 1997 August; 167:115-116) August 1997-Vol 167, No. 2Lessons From the Practice Francisco and the munificent sum of $10,000 to work with.  ... 
pmid:18751086 pmcid:PMC1304442 fatcat:bz6s6poq4jayjn5q7mveq26nxm


1960 Notes and Queries  
The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford, 1933) carries “Serendip” one step further: “Serendipity. 1754. [f. former name of Ceylon...  ...  O.E.D.’s entry is quoted in full since it seems to have been the source from which many other dictionaries obtained their data: Serendipity. [f. Serendip, a former name for Ceylon+-1ty.  ... 
doi:10.1093/nq/7-10-387 fatcat:43itdxa3rbafvcln2436ec3day


2004 Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology  
黐 蕪 轟 Serendipity JAPA囚ESESOCIEIY OFRADIOLeGrcAL 正 CHNoreGY 藤 田 透 新 年明 け ま し て お め で と うご ざい ま す .  ... 
doi:10.6009/jjrt.kj00000922245 fatcat:xqzwscktx5bslimhl5onmewju4


Cong Shi, Vasileios Lakafosis, Mostafa H. Ammar, Ellen W. Zegura
2012 Proceedings of the thirteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing - MobiHoc '12  
Serendipity relies on the collaboration among mobile devices for task allocation and task progress monitoring functions.  ...  We present the design and implementation of a system, Serendipity, that enables a mobile computation initiator to use remote computational resources available in other mobile systems in its environment  ...  Serendipity System Design A Job Model for Serendipity Our basic job component is called a PNP-block.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2248371.2248394 dblp:conf/mobihoc/ShiLAZ12 fatcat:3sq5oypazfcwbicdertfm2tc7u


Raquel Sussman
2008 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
Serendipity again occurred one day when I removed the agar plates from the 37°C incubator and all the plaques of the C I 857 mutant were turbid.  ...  Serendipity continued at the University of Pittsburgh, where two of the brightest graduate students applied to work in my laboratory: Jim Resnick and John Baluch.  ... 
doi:10.1074/jbc.x800013200 pmid:19075011 pmcid:PMC2667714 fatcat:ggj5gw2r7bd3lbanuqgs5prrmq


M J Rosenau
1935 Journal of Bacteriology  
There are not only Princes in Serendip, but also Princesses. We have a Princess, a member of this Society.  ...  Walpole tells us that there were three original Princes of Serendip, but he might have crowned Columbus King of the Realn.  ... 
pmid:16559780 pmcid:PMC545147 fatcat:j5u3qklztzaxnjgp27ik3enbjy


Hongyi Wen, Julian Ramos Rojas, Anind K. Dey
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '16  
In this work we present Serendipity, a new technique for recognizing unremarkable and fine-motor finger gestures using integrated motion sensors (accelerometer and gyroscope) in off-the-shelf smartwatches  ...  SERENDIPITY SYSTEM We used an off-the-shelf Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch to develop our gesture recognition system.  ...  We present Serendipity, a smartwatch-based system that can detect 5 subtle finger gestures: pinching, tapping, rubbing, squeezing, and waving.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2858036.2858466 dblp:conf/chi/WenRD16 fatcat:h3gh32uzojazhmygfn6txd6lge


Harvey I. Fisher
1960 The American history teacher  
Serendipity* l.  ...  “Serendipity” was defined as the gift of finding valuable or agreeable things not sought for.  ... 
doi:10.2307/4439338 fatcat:svtbzkcb7naztpjovrhas5a3xy

Measuring serendipity

Ionut Trestian, Supranamaya Ranjan, Aleksandar Kuzmanovic, Antonio Nucci
2009 Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference - IMC '09  
Characterizing the relationship that exists between people's application interests and mobility properties is the core question relevant for location-based services, in particular those that facilitate serendipitous discovery of people, businesses and objects. In this paper, we apply rule mining and spectral clustering to study this relationship for a population of over 280,000 users of a 3G mobile network in a large metropolitan area. Our analysis reveals that (i) People's movement patterns
more » ... correlated with the applications they access, e.g., stationary users and those who move more often and visit more locations tend to access different applications. (ii) Location affects the applications accessed by users, i.e., at certain locations, users are more likely to evince interest in a particular class of applications than others irrespective of the time of day. (iii) Finally, the number of serendipitous meetings between users of similar cyber interest is larger in regions with higher density of hotspots. Our analysis demonstrates how cellular network providers and locationbased services can benefit from knowledge of the inter-play between users and their locations and interests.
doi:10.1145/1644893.1644926 dblp:conf/imc/TrestianRKN09 fatcat:my5wk44jxfgw5ppw6jo2uihwyy

Ephedrine serendipity

1957 The Illinois medical journal  
If given vigorously over a prolonged period, conservative therapy can accomplish cure 88 Kphedrine Serendipity to the nasal mucosa it might also be turgescent under varying conditions, it was decided to  ... 
pmid:13405559 fatcat:njoz6oaegrfyjhdugnak2sdvsi


1990 Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry, Japan  
最 近 出 版 さ れ た"Serendipity"と い う モ ノ グ ラ フ の な か で 著 者 のRobertsはpseudoserendipityと い う 用 語 を 提 案 し て い る 。  ...  セ レ ン デ ィ ピ テ ィ(serendipity-dis- covery by chance, not by design)と 呼 ば れ る 科 学 に お け る"創 造 性"の 重 要 な 一 つ の パ タ ー ン で あ る 。  ... 
doi:10.5059/yukigoseikyokaishi.48.844 fatcat:epymngxecjhsrj3m2feicdurli

Discovering Serendipity

Ashna Nastar, Samira Afzal
2010 Cambridge Medicine Journal  
SRI LANKA-QUICK FACTS • Serendip -an ancient Arabic & Persian name for Sri Lanka, the origin of 'serendipity' -the faculty of making fortunate discoveries by accident • Population: 20.2 million • Largest  ... 
doi:10.7244/cmj-1286523861 fatcat:a4pxmh4zd5cnbpaqjeatgdetv4

Seeking Serendipity

Emily Pearlman
2021 Berkeley scientific journal  
In fact, when you look closely, nearly all discoveries involve an element of serendipity.  ...  Serendipity is thus critical not only at the individual level, but also at the community level.  ... 
doi:10.5070/bs325254486 fatcat:jmbqedhzjvcxjdheyhfshgqv5a
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