Advanced Step-by-step peak calling using MACS3 commands

Over the years, many users have asked us questions about whether they can analyze their X-Seq (not ChIP-Seq) data using MACS, or customize the callpeak function to suit their specific needs. Typically, we recommend finding a tool that’s more suited to their data type, as callpeak is specifically optimized for ChIP-Seq. However, MACS3 does offer a range of subcommands that allow you to customize every step of your analysis. In this tutorial, I will demonstrate how to break down the main callpeak function into a pipeline using various MACS3 subcommands, such as filterdup, predictd, pileup, bdgcmp, bdgopt, and bdgpeakcall (or bdgbroadcall for broad marks). This approach allows you to adjust or skip steps and modify parameters to analyze your data in a highly customized way. Additionally, you will have a complete idea of how callpeak works. We’ll use two test files, CTCF_ChIP_200K.bed.gz and CTCF_Control_200K.bed.gz, which you can find in the MACS3 GitHub repository in the test directory.

Note, currently this tutorial is mainly for single-end datasets. Please read the tutorial carefully and modify the command line for paired-end data accordingly.

Step 1: Filter duplicates

In the initial step of ChIP-Seq analysis with callpeak, we read both ChIP and control data and remove redundant reads from each genomic location. While we won’t delve into the reasons behind this process, we’ll explain how you can accomplish this using the filterdup subcommand. By default, callpeak permits only one duplicate read per location, which is set with --keep-dup=1. To replicate this setting, you can do the following:

$ macs3 filterdup -i CTCF_ChIP_200K.bed.gz --keep-dup=1 -o CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.bed`
$ macs3 filterdup -i CTCF_Control_200K.bed.gz --keep-dup=1 -o CTCF_Control_200K_filterdup.bed`

You can choose a different setting for --keep-dup or allow MACS3 to automatically determine the maximum number of allowed duplicated reads for each genomic loci for ChIP and control separately. For more details, check macs3 filterdup -h. If you opt for the --keep-dup auto setting, ensure the genome size is set appropriately. MACS3 will report the final number of reads retained after filtering. It’s crucial to record these numbers as we need them to normalize the ChIP and control signals to the same depth. In this example, the numbers are 199,583 for ChIP and 199,867 for control, resulting in a ratio of approximately 0.99858. The output files from filterdup are in BED format. Please note that if you are using Paired-end data in BAM format as input and specify the -f BAMPE option, you will get the output in BEDPE format. Check this document for detail on this BEDPE format.

Step 2: Decide the fragment length d

This is a crucial step for analyzing ChIP-Seq with MACS3, as well as other types of data. The location of a sequenced read typically indicates only the end of a DNA fragment of interest originated from such as transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) or DNA hypersensitive sites. To accurately determine the enrichment, you must estimate the actual length of this DNA fragment. This process can also be seen as a data smoothing technique. With macs3 callpeak, the output will typically include the identification of a certain number of peak pairs and the predicted fragment length, denoted as d in MACS3 terminology. This can also be accomplished using the predictd subcommand, which we need to apply only to ChIP data:

$ macs3 predictd -i CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.bed -g hs -m 5 50

In this process, the -g (genome size) needs to be set based on your sample, and the mfold parameters for -m must be reasonably established. To mimic the default behavior of macs3 callpeak, use -m 5 50. Of course, you can adjust these parameters as needed. The output from predictd will provide the fragment length d, which in this example is 254. Make sure to write this number down, as we’ll need it in the next step. However, if you prefer not to extend the reads or if you have a more accurate estimate of the fragment length, you can skip this step.

Please note that for paired-end data, this step is still necessary since this function will tell us the average fragment length defined by the mapping locations of read pairs. For example, if you run this on the CTCF_PE_ChIP_chr22_50k.bedpe.gz file in the test directory:

$ macs3 predictd -f BEDPE -i CTCF_PE_ChIP_chr22_50k.bedpe.gz

This function will print out that # Average insertion length of all pairs is 253 bps. You should write down this number 253 for building the control bias track for pair-end data in Step 4.

Step 3: Extend ChIP sample to get ChIP coverage track

Now that you’ve estimated the fragment length, we can proceed to generate a pileup track for the ChIP sample using the MACS3 pileup subcommand. The following command replicates the behavior of callpeak:

$ macs3 pileup -i CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.bed -o CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.pileup.bdg --extsize 254

This command produces a file in BEDGRAPH format, CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.pileup.bdg, which contains the fragment pileup signals for the ChIP sample. We use --extsize 254, where 254 is the number obtained from the predictd step. In ChIP-Seq data processing, as demonstrated in this tutorial, we extend reads in the 5’ -> 3’ direction, which is the default behavior of the pileup function.

If you are analyzing DNAse-Seq data, or if the cutting site detected by short read sequencing (the 5’ mapping location of the read) is believed to be centrally located within the DNA region of interest, you should use the -B option. This setting allows for the extension of the 5’ location in both directions. For example, -B 100 would extend the 5’ cutting site on each side by 100 base pairs (200bps in total) before generating the pileup signal.

For paired-end data, there is no need to specify --extsize as pileup will automatically pile up the entire region between the two 5’ mapping locations of the read pair. However, it is crucial to use -f BEDPE or -f BAMPE to indicate to MACS3 that the input file contains paired-end data.

Step 4: Build local bias track from control

By default, the MACS3 callpeak function calculates local bias by considering the maximum bias from the surrounding 1kb (set by --slocal), 10kb (set by --llocal), the fragment length d (predicted from the predictd function), and the whole genome background. In this section, we demonstrate how each bias is calculated and how they can be combined using the subcommands.

Please note that, for paired-data data, we should treat the control as single-end data by NOT specifying -f BAMPE or -f BEDPE. Also, we should use the average fragment length from Step 2 as d in the following steps.

The d background

To create the background noise track, extend the control read to both sides using the -B option in the pileup function. This approach assumes that the cutting site from the control sample represent certain noise from the exact same location. To accomplish this, use half of d obtained from the predictd module. For instance, with d equaling 254, use 127 (half of 254) as follows:

$ macs3 pileup -i CTCF_Control_200K_filterdup.bed -B --extsize 127 -o d_bg.bdg

The BEDGRAPH file d_bg.bdg contains the background noise data (d background) from the control sample.

The slocal background

Next, you can create a background noise track for the slocalbps local window, or a 1kb window by default. Imagine that each cutting site represents a surrounding noise of 1kb (this value is adjustable). Use the following command:

$ macs3 pileup -i CTCF_Control_200K_filterdup.bed -B --extsize 500 -o 1k_bg.bdg

Here, 500 represents half of 1k, as the default slocal for callpeak. Since the ChIP signal track was constructed by extending reads to d size fragments, we need to normalize the 1kb noise by multiplying the values by d/slocal, which is 254/1000 = 0.254 in our example. To do this, apply the bdgopt subcommand:

$ macs3 bdgopt -i 1k_bg.bdg -m multiply -p 0.254 -o 1k_bg_norm.bdg

The file 1k_bg_norm.bdg contains the normalized slocal background from the control sample. Note, normalization for the d background is not necessary since the multiplier is simply 1.

The llocal background

The background noise from a larger region can be generated similarly to the previous approach for the slocal background, with the only difference being the extension size. By default, MACS3 callpeak uses a 10kb surrounding window, but this value can be adjusted:

$ macs3 pileup -i CTCF_Control_200K_filterdup.bed -B --extsize 5000 -o 10k_bg.bdg

Here, the extsize should be set as half of the llocal, which is 5000 in this case. The appropriate multiplier is d/llocal, or 0.0254 in our example:

$ macs3 bdgopt -i 10k_bg.bdg -m multiply -p 0.0254 -o 10k_bg_norm.bdg

The file 10k_bg_norm.bdg now contains the normalized llocal background from the control.

The genome background

The whole genome background is calculated using the formula: number_of_control_reads * fragment_length / genome_size. In our example, this calculation would be:

199867 * 254 / 2700000000 ≈ 0.0188023

You don’t need to execute any subcommands to create a genome background track, as it’s represented by just a single value.

Combine and generate the maximum background noise

To compute the maximum bias for each genomic location, you can follow the default behavior of MACS3 callpeak or customize your pipeline to include additional noise backgrounds (such as 5k or 50k). Here’s how to combine the background noises and determine the maximum bias:

First, take the maximum between the slocal (1k) and llocal (10k) backgrounds:

macs3 bdgcmp -m max -t 1k_bg_norm.bdg -c 10k_bg_norm.bdg -o 1k_10k_bg_norm.bdg

Next, compare this maximum with the d background:

macs3 bdgcmp -m max -t 1k_10k_bg_norm.bdg -c d_bg.bdg -o d_1k_10k_bg_norm.bdg

Finally, combine this with the genome-wide background using the bdgopt subcommand:

macs3 bdgopt -i d_1k_10k_bg_norm.bdg -m max -p .0188023 -o local_bias_raw.bdg

The resulting file local_bias_raw.bdg is a BEDGRAPH file containing the maximum local bias from control data.

Step 5: Scale the ChIP and control to the same sequencing depth

To ensure accurate comparison between ChIP and control signals, both must be scaled to the same sequencing depth. The callpeak module typically scales down the larger sample to match the smaller one, preventing inflation of smaller values and enhancing the specificity of the results. In our example, after duplicate filtering, the final read counts are 199,583 for ChIP and 199,867 for control. Therefore, the control bias needs to be scaled down using the ratio between ChIP and control, which is 199,583/199,867 = 0.99858. To accomplish this:

$ macs3 bdgopt -i local_bias_raw.bdg -m multiply -p .99858 -o local_lambda.bdg

The output file is named local_lambda.bdg, as it contains values that represent the lambda (or expected value), which can be compared with ChIP signals using the local Poisson test.

Step 6: Compare ChIP and local lambda to get the scores in pvalue or qvalue

To identify enriched regions and predict peaks, the ChIP signals and local lambda stored in the BEDGRAPH file must be compared using a statistical model. This is done using the bdgcmp module, which outputs a score for each base pair in the genome. Despite potentially large data sizes, the BEDGRAPH format efficiently manages this by merging nearby regions with identical scores. Theoretically, the size of the output file for scores depends on the complexity of your data. The maximum number of data points, when using d, slocal, and llocal backgrounds, is the minimum between the genome size and approximately (number_of_ChIP_reads + number_of_control_reads*3)*2, which in our case is about 1.6 million.

The commands to generate score tracks are:

$ macs3 bdgcmp -t CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.pileup.bdg -c local_lambda.bdg -m qpois -o CTCF_ChIP_200K_qvalue.bdg


$ macs3 bdgcmp -t CTCF_ChIP_200K_filterdup.pileup.bdg -c local_lambda.bdg -m ppois -o CTCF_ChIP_200K_pvalue.bdg

The CTCF_ChIP_200K_pvalue.bdg or CTCF_ChIP_200K_qvalue.bdg file contains the -log10(p-values) or -log10(q-values) for each base pair, derived through a local Poisson test. This means the ChIP signal at each base pair will be compared against the corresponding local lambda from the control using a Poisson model. Note, following this tutorial ensures that there are no zeros in the local lambda track, as the smallest value is the whole genome background. However, if the genome background is not included, many zeros in the local lambda can disrupt the Poisson test. In such cases, you need to set the pseudocount for bdgcmp using the -p option. This pseudocount will be added to both ChIP and local lambda values before the test. The choice of pseudocount is largely arbitrary, and you may find various discussions online. Generally, a higher pseudocount increases specificity but decreases sensitivity.

Step 7: Call peaks on score track using a cutoff

The final step in peak calling is to identify regions that surpass a specific score cutoff using the bdgpeakcall function for narrow peak calling. Although this process may seem straightforward, it involves two additional parameters:

  1. Merging Nearby Regions: If two regions exceed the cutoff and are separated by a smaller, lower-scoring region, they should be merged into a single larger region to account for fluctuations. This merging threshold is set as the read length in the MACS3 callpeak function, reflecting the dataset’s resolution. For bdgpeakcall, you must obtain the read length from Step 1 or by examining the raw fastq file and set this with the -g option.

  2. Minimum Peak Length: To avoid calling excessively small peaks, a minimum peak length is required. The MACS3 callpeak function automatically uses the fragment size d for this purpose. In bdgpeakcall, set the -l option to the d value determined in Step 2.

Finally, set the cutoff value. Remember, the scores from bdgcmp are in -log10 format. For example, to set a cutoff of 0.05, use a -log10 value of approximately 1.3. The command is as follows:

$ macs3 bdgpeakcall -i CTCF_ChIP_200K_qvalue.bdg -c 1.301 -l 245 -g 100 -o CTCF_ChIP_200K_peaks.bed

The output is essentially a narrowPeak format file (a type of BED file), which includes the locations of peaks with the summit location noted in the last column. If you want to explore how to better decide the cutoff, please read the tutorial for cutoff analysis