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Submitted by goks1986 — 14 minutes, 36 seconds before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#3242.4002.400

Ranked from 15 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I couldn't get past the pit with electricity! I think it's awesome you got married during this jam and still managed to put something out there in half the time! Nice job, and keep on growing.  Congratulations on the marriage as well!


Character feels nice when moving around. I don't know if its just me but I cant jump if I'm touching something which feels like a really bad game mechanic.

Lots of level design has gone in to this in just a month which is nice, but I feel it needs just a bit more time with the character controller.

I didn't find the camera to be as bad as others had said.


Hey, hey!

I'm also from the "Second-class hero" team

Our captain described the problems and ways to solve them in great detail, I agree with all the points except one: I was able to pass both the left and right levels (I upload videos with cuts of successful attempts). But as I understand it, since I have died many (maaany) times, the door didn't open, but I went on anyway... hehehe

(On the video, it may seem that the graphics are bad, but this is only because of the processing of the video material :") )

And I also have a life hack to improve the behavior of the camera without reloading the build: it is necessary to reduce the sensitivity of the mouse. As soon as I reduced it, it immediately became more comfortable to play, this of course doesn't cancel her strange behavior, but it's much better! With this, you can complete the game

What else can I say... I can't feel my left arm right now, but I really liked it :D

No, seriously, I liked everything - I passed all levels and tasks with a smile... However, I think most of the issues should not be solved the way I solved them...

In general, the work is great, you are awesome, and of course congratulations on the wedding!


Hey hey hey, thank you so much! 

Watching this, I had urge to help you in certain points of playtrough :)

Great job man, and you bring me back hope with your comment. I love doing this so much, so when you say you liked it, that meens a lot for me.

And yes, the game is cruel. You have to play trough one door (with dying) but then you must done the other door  in one take to open final door.  And just a thing, when you collected coins, did you see a message on top of screen? I can not see it in your video, but it is kind of important. Every time you colect coin it should bring message that tips you or updates you on your state of yor progress.

Thank you again, and good luck!


Well, I won't talk about the problem with the camera, you already know about it. However, there are many other problems that spoil the impression of the game. First of all the coyote time technique is very useful for platformers. Probably a third of my deaths in this game was due to the lack of this. 
The second thing is that all the actions of the character are very sharp. Character go up very fast after pressing jump button and then it flies down like a stone. You should smooth that behaviour. To achieve this, you need to work with the effect of gravity on the character. For example, you can reduce gravity while the character is at the peak of takeoff. This will give a much more responsive flight control and, as a result, a pleasant feeling for the player. Gravity during the jump and fall should not be equal. You need to choose the values so that the sensations are the best.
Thirdly character behaviour sometimes is very unstable this is especially true for jumping on walls. Sometimes I can jump straight up the wall and sometimes can't. Sometimes  I can slide through the corners sometimes can't.
4) Level design is basically cool. I like that you can see the whole level at once and this is apparently along with the bonfires a reference to dark souls. There are only 2 things I didn't like:
a) On the left door level all floors are about the same. Yes, each floor is a little more complicated than the previous one, but considering that I spent about 30 attempts to complete each of them, this does not save them. I would like a little more variety.

b) I really need a bonfire after the destroyed bridge on the right level!!!!!!!
5) On the left level there are some performance problems when you are on a rotating platform before green swinging bridge(bridge is really cool, ьy hands were shaking every time I passed it). Maybe it's connected to camera issue but I reallu don't know.
6) I didn't pass the game.  I have died probably more times than in the entire passage of dark souls 3.
About 2 hundred times but the second broken bridge together with the first broken bridge broke me. However I completed left level and even walked across something like a roof to the royal throne with a skeleton and two locked chests.
To be honest, I think that the problem with the camera is serious enough for you to use the right to reload build after the time. Since in the current state, I believe that the game cannot be passed by anyone who evaluates this game.

Please don't think that I want to offend you in any way when I wrote mainly about the problems of the game. I just think that the main task of jam is to test your skills and improve them thanks to feedback from other people. To make the games better in the future.  And making games is really difficult. Second-class hero was developed by a team of 6 people, 2 more periodically helped us. And neither of them had a wedding in November. And as far as I understand, you worked alone.  And to make a full-fledged 3-d platformer alone in a month, albeit a buggy one, in the month of the wedding... Not everyone is capable of this. So in any case, you can be proud of the work done.

P.S. I wish you a happy married life!!!


Well, I'd like to reply to captain first.  I can't thank you enough for this advises, and congrats on your team and your project! You guys are awesome!

I agree with everything, and just add that I am not into helping player a lot, what can be seen in my games.  I will consider all your tips, and upload build for windows, or fixed for

Thank you so much, and good luck!


The momentum of the character feels good while running around.  

The animations on the player look great. 


First of all, congrats on getting married!

Second of all, I like the textures and models, and the song was rather relaxing. I know you were working on a crunch, but I feel the biggest next steps would be to a) make the camera move only when a mouse button is held and b) prevent locking the jump button when you are very close to a wall. But I feel this was a great start on something cool.


Hey! Nothing to add to other comments, but for the video issue you had. I had the exact same problem and found this solution :

It's not perfect though, as I was working with FMOD i had to import the audio in FMOD and synchronize it as I could with the video flux... which isn't really reliable as it's web but for short videos it's good enough. I guess that if you are not using an audio middleware like me, you can even use unity's listener and it'll work.


First, I want to congratulate you for your wedding! 🥰🥰🥰

The game has very good intentions and a good message, that's something really missing in many games (even mine), but I'm glad some people out there take care of these details! 😁

I know that you didn't have a lot of time, so don't take my next points as criticism, they are some things that I noticed and that I think that you should consider if you want to keep developing this proyect! 😊

The gameplay itself could be a little more polished around the edges. You should lock the mouse and make it invisible during gameplay, it can be distracting in some segments, and when it's out of the screen, you lose control of the camera. Also, the movement system is a little rough, you can't jump when near a wall and the perspective doesn't really help when trying to do some of the jumps, consider adding a shadow that's always in the floor undearneath the player like Mario 64 did, it's really helpful for 3D platformers!

Keep working on it, you can make this a full platformer with more time and dedication!! 😃


Hey there! I really liked the messages you try to push through the game. I make platformers myself and i am usually a harsh judge on those.

It was hard to control the game mostly due to the camera. Some weird wall movement too while grabbed on the walls. I liked the level design and it seems that with a little more work this could become something really nice.

So keep up the good work, and also have a long and happy marriage!


Thank you very much for kind wishes and for trying my game, and also for tips! I will try your as soon as I can. 


The framerate is not stable(at least in the webGL version). I liked the movement a lot, though jump needs more polish in my opinion. Decent level design. Good game.


I found the camera very difficult to control with the mouse at times and noticed that when my character is against the wall the jump ability doesn't seem to work - I think if you address these 2 probably relatively minor things you've got a good little game on your hands here (especially if you give the protagonist a Spider Man skin! xD). I like the graphics and the environment a lot, I like the wall-grab/slide mechanic a lot and I enjoyed the level layout and design. Good job man.


Thank you very much for suggestions! I had something unplanned that made me upload game last day, so I realized that camera and videos and few other things don't work in webgl build. Thank you again! I will try your game as soon as I can 


It happens :) I think what you've demonstrated here is the potential for something that could be really fun with a bit more development and without the time-pressure of a game jam! So keep going :) Thanks for offering to play our game too - would love to get your feedback!


I liked the wall grab/slide mechanic.

Unfortunately the controls are a bit finicky and I couldn't complete the game :(

The main suggestion would be to lock the mouse using Cursor.lockState

I also just learned, having just made a 3rd person game myself, that webGL can have crazy sensitivity in this kind of games.

Anyway good job on your submission!


Thanks very much for trying my game and for suggestions!