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Database Lab Engine UI and DBLab Platform UI

DBLab - thin database clones and database branching for faster development

Proceed to Database Lab Engine repository for more information about technology itself. Database Lab Engine (DLE) is an open-source (Apache 2.0) technology that allows blazing-fast cloning of Postgres databases of any size in seconds. This helps solve many problems such as:

  • build dev/QA/staging environments involving full-size production-like databases,
  • provide temporary full-size database clones for SQL query analysis optimization,
  • automatically verify database migrations (DB schema changes) and massive data operations in CI/CD pipelines to minimize risks of downtime and performance degradation.

As an example, cloning a 10 TiB PostgreSQL database can take less than 2 seconds.


List packages:

  • - platform version of UI
  • - community edition version of UI
  • - common modules

How to operate

At the root:

  • <npm command> -ws - for all packages
  • <npm command> -w <package-name> - for specific package


  • npm ci -ws - install deps of all packages
  • npm run build -ws - build all packages
  • npm run start -w - run platform UI locally in dev mode
  • npm run start -w - run community edition UI locally in dev mode

Important note: don't use commands for - it's dependent package, which can't be running or built

How to start Platform UI with a predefined JWT token

  • cd ui/packages/platform
  • cp .env_example_dev .env
  • edit .env setting:
    • REACT_APP_API_URL_PREFIX to point to dev API server (e.g., staging API server:
    • REACT_APP_TOKEN_DEBUG to have your JWT ready work with the same server. Note that it has an expiration date so it needs to be periodically refreshed.
  • pnpm install - to install packages if they are not found
  • pnpm run start - start Platform for local debugging/development

How to start "ce"

  • cd ui
  • npm ci -ws - install dependencies, must be done once to install dependencies for all packages
  • npm run start -w - start dev server

How to build "platform"

  • cd ui
  • npm ci -ws - install dependencies, must be done once to install dependencies for all packages
  • source packages/platform/deploy/configs/ - set up environment variables, should be run for each new terminal session
  • npm run build -w

How to build "ce"

  • cd ui
  • npm ci -ws - install dependencies, must be done once to install dependencies for all packages
  • npm run build -w - start dev server

CI pipelines for UI code

To deploy UI changes, tag the commit with ui/ prefix and push it. For example:

git tag ui/1.0.12
git push origin ui/1.0.12

Vulnerability issues

Vulnerabilities, CVEs, security issues can be reported on GitLab or on GitHub by various tools/bots we use to ensure that DLE code is safe and secure. They may be of various kinds – here we consider two types, a known CVE reported for particular package we use for DLE UI code during analysis of dependencies, and some issue in code that was detected by a static analysis tool.

Packages issues

Ways to resolve (ordered by preference in descending order):

  1. Update a package - try to look for a newer package in npm, probably this vulnerability is already fixed.
  2. If vulnerability is detected in a sub-package - try to replace it using npm-force-resolutions. Be careful using this way - it may break a project as in a build phase as at runtime. Full e2e definitely should be done in this case.
  3. Fork the package and put it locally in this repo.
  4. If you are sure this is a falsy vulnerability - try to ignore it using special commands for your SAST tool. This is considered as the least preferable option – try to apply any of the ways described above first.

Code issues

Ways to resolve (ordered by preference):

  1. If the part of source code is written on .js try to rewrite it on .ts or .tsx - it should fix a lot of potential security issues.
  2. Follow the recommendations of your SAST tool - fix it manually or automatically.
  3. If you are sure this is a falsy vulnerability - try to ignore it using special commands for your SAST tool. This is considered as the least preferable option – try to apply any of the ways described above first.

Moving to Typescript

  • is written on Typescript
  • is written on Typescript
  • is written on JavaScript and patially on Typescript. The target - is moving to Typescript fully. It should takes approximately 120-160 hours.
  • There are potential problems with typing - old versions of packages may don't have their typings. Recommended to update them or replace. If it's impossible you can write your own typing in file named like <package-name>.d.ts inside src directory of the selected package.