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States is a state management framework based on Source Generator and Reactive (RX) with no emissions, and it supports AOT compilation.


Install-Package SourceGeneration.States -Version 1.0.0-beta2.240221.2
dotnet add package SourceGeneration.States --version 1.0.0-beta2.240221.2


States source generator will generate proxy class for your state type, you just need to add ChangeTrackingAttriute, property must be virtual and have a setter

public class Goods
    public virtual int Number { get; set; }
    public virtual double Price { get; set; }
    public virtual int Count { get; set; }

The proxy class implement INotifyPropertyChanged and IChangeTracking

internal class Goods__Proxy__ : Goods, INotifyPropertyChanged, System.ComponentModel.IChangeTracking
    //Properties override

States determines whether an object has been modified through two methods:

  • Checking if the object reference has changed.
  • Checking IChangeTracking.IsChanged property.


State<Goods> state = new(new Goods());

state.Bind(x => x.Price, x => Console.WriteLine($"Price has changed: {x}"));
state.Bind(x => x.Count, x => Console.WriteLine($"Count has changed: {x}"));

// ouput Price changed: 3.14
// ouput Price changed: 3
state.Update(x =>
    x.Price = 3.14;
    x.Count = 3;

// no ouput, the value has not changed
state.Update(x => x.Price = 3.14);

// no ouput, because the property of Number was not subscribe
state.Update(x => x.Number = 1);


    selector: x => x.Price,
    predicate: x => x >= 10,
    subscriber: x => Console.WriteLine($"Price changed: {x}"));

// no console ouput, the value is less than 10
state.Update(x => x.Price = 9);

// ouput Price changed: 10
state.Update(x => x.Price = 10);

Change Scope

States support change scope, You can specify the scope of the subscribed changes.

  • ChangeTrackingScope.Root default value
    The subscription only be triggered when there are changes in the properties of the object itself.
  • ChangeTrackingScope.Cascading
    The subscription will be triggered when there are changes in the properties of the object itself or in the properties of its property objects.
  • ChangeTrackingScope.Always
    The subscription will be triggered whenever the Update method is called, regardless of whether the value has changed or not.
public class Goods
    public virtual ChangeTrackingList<SubState> Tags { get; set; } = [];

public class SubState
    public virtual string? Tag { get; set; }
// Bind Tags with scope `ChangeTrackingScope.Root`, it's default value
// The state will push last value when you subscribed
// ouput: Tags count has changed 0
var disposable = state.Bind(
    selector: x => x.Tags, 
    subscriber: x => Console.WriteLine($"Tags count has changed: {x.Count}"), 
    scope: ChangeTrackingScope.Root);

// output: Tags count has changed: 1
state.Update(x => x.Tags.Add(new SubState { Tag = "first tag" }));

// no output, because Tags property is not changed
state.Update(x => x.Tags[0].Tag = "first tag has modified");


// Bind Tags with scope `ChangeTrackingScope.Cascading`
// The state will push last value when you subscribed
// ouput: Tags value has changed: first tag has modified
    selector: x => x.Tags,
    subscriber: x => Console.WriteLine($"Tags value has changed: {x[0].Tag}"),
    scope: ChangeTrackingScope.Cascading);

// ouput: Tags value has changed: first tag has modified * 2
state.Update(x => x.Tags[0].Tag = "first tag has modified * 2");

Reactive(Rx) Supports

State implement IObservable<T>, so you can use Rx framework like System.Reactive,
Note: States does not have a dependency on System.Reactive.

using System.Reactive.Linq;

State<Goods> state = new(new Goods
    Count = 5,

// The state will push last value when you subscribed
// ouput: 5
    .Where(x => x.Count >= 5)
    .Select(x => x.Count)
    .Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x));

// no ouput
state.Update(x => x.Count = 2);

// ouput 10
state.Update(x => x.Count = 10);

Merge Changes

Some times we need to merge all changes, you can use SubscribeBindingChanged

int count = 0;
double price = 0;
State<Goods> state = new(new Goods());

state.Bind(x => x.Count, x => count = x);
state.Bind(x => x.Price, x => price = x);

state.SubscribeBindingChanged(state =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Count or Price has changed. Count={count}, Price={state.Price}");

//ouput: Count or Price has changed
state.Update(x =>
    x.Price = 3.14;
    x.Count = 10;

//no output, because Count has not changed
state.Update(x => x.Count = 10);

//no output, because property Number has not subscribed 
state.Update(x => x.Number = 3);

//ouput: Count or Price has changed
state.Update(x => x.Count = 11);


Using AddState to inject state, ServiceLifetime.Scoped is default value

var services = new ServiceCollection()

var state = services.GetRequiredService<State<GoodsState>>();    

Using StateInjectAttribute to inject state, Source Generator generated.

var services = new ServiceCollection().AddStateInjection().BuildServiceProvider();
var state = services.GetRequiredService<State<GoodsState>>();

public class GoodsState
    public virtual double Price { get; set; }
    public virtual int Count { get; set; }

Dispose & State Scope

In most usage scenarios, when your page or component subscribes to the state, it must explicitly unsubscribe when the component is destroyed, otherwise it will result in a significant resource consumption.

State<Goods> state = new(new Goods());

var disposable1 = state.Bind(x => x, x => {});
var disposable2 = state.Bind(x => x, x => {});
var disposable3 = state.SubscribeBindingChanged(() => { });


Of course, you can directly destroy the State object, However, in most cases, the lifecycle of State needs to be consistent with the user session lifecycle, so directly destroying State does not align with the application scenario.


To facilitate management, you can create an IScopedState by calling the CreateScope method. In dependency injection, whether it is ServiceLifetime.Singleton or ServiceLifetime.Scoped, IScopedState is always Transient. IScopedState is more like a state view.

State<Goods> state = new(new Goods());

IScopedState<GoodsState> scopedState = State.CreateScope();
// bind or update



You can use States in Blazor, it supports AOT compilation

WebAssembly or Hybird




Inject state into component

@inject IScopedState<MyState> State
@implements IDisposable

<h1>Count: @Count</h1>
<button @onclick="Click">Add</button>

    private int Count;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        State.Bind(x => x.Count, x => Count = x);

    private void Click()
        State.Update(x => x.Count++);

    public void Dispose()

You can use the Blux library to simplify this process, more information see Blux repo

@inherits BluxComponentBase
@inject IScopedState<MyState> State

<h1>Count: @Count</h1>
<button @onclick="Click">Add</button>

    private int Count;

    protected override void OnStateBinding()
        State.Bind(x => x.Count, x => Count = x);

    private void Click()
        State.Update(x => x.Count++);