
Over time, a documentation project may want to rename and move contents around. Redirects allow changes in a documentation project to happen without bad user experiences.

If you do not manage URL structures, users will eventually encounter 404 File Not Found errors. While this may be acceptable in some cases, the bad user experience of a 404 page is usually best to avoid.

Built-in redirects ⬇️

Allows for simple and long-term sharing of external references to your documentation.

User-defined redirects ⬇️

Makes it easier to move contents around

See also

How to use custom URL redirects in documentation projects

This guide shows you how to add redirects with practical examples.

Best practices for linking to your documentation

Information and tips about creating and handling external references.

How to deprecate content

A guide to deprecating features and other topics in a documentation.

Built-in redirects

This section explains the redirects that are automatically active for all projects and how they are useful. Built-in redirects are especially useful for creating and sharing incoming links, which is discussed indepth in Best practices for linking to your documentation.

Page redirects at /page/

You can link to a specific page and have it redirect to your default version, allowing you to create links on external sources that are always up to date. This is done with the /page/ URL prefix.

For instance, you can reach the page you are reading now by going to

Another way to handle this is the latest version. You can set your latest version to a specific version and just always link to latest. You can reach this page by going to

Root URL redirect at /

A link to the root of your documentation (<slug> will redirect to the default version, as set in your project settings.

This works for both (Read the Docs Community), (Read the Docs for Business), and custom domains.

For example: ->


You cannot use the root redirect to reference specific pages. / only redirects to the default version, whereas /some/page.html will not redirect to /en/latest/some/page.html. Instead, use Page redirects at /page/.

You can choose which is the default version for Read the Docs to display. This usually corresponds to the most recent official release from your project.

Root language redirect at /<lang>/

A link to the root language of your documentation (<slug> will redirect to the default version of that language.

For example, accessing the English language of the project will redirect you to the its default version (stable): ->

User-defined redirects

Page redirects

Page Redirects let you redirect a page across all versions of your documentation.


Since pages redirects apply to all versions, From URL doesn’t need to include the /<language>/<version> prefix (e.g. /en/latest), but just the version-specific part of the URL. If you want to set redirects only for some languages or some versions, you should use Exact redirects with the fully-specified path.

Exact redirects

Exact Redirects take into account the full URL (, allowing you to create a redirect for a specific version or language of your documentation.

Clean/HTML URLs redirects

If you decide to change the style of the URLs of your documentation, you can use Clean URL to HTML or HTML to clean URL redirects to redirect users to the new URL style.

For example, if a previous page was at /en/latest/install.html, and now is served at /en/latest/install/, or vice versa, users will be redirected to the new URL.

Limitations and observations

  • Read the Docs Community users are limited to 100 redirects per project, and Read the Docs for Business users have a number of redirects limited by their plan.

  • By default, redirects only apply on pages that don’t exist. Forced redirects allow you to apply redirects on existing pages.

  • Redirects aren’t applied on previews of pull requests. You should treat these domains as ephemeral and not rely on them for user-facing content.

  • You can redirect to URLs outside Read the Docs, just include the protocol in To URL, e.g

  • A wildcard can be used at the end of From URL (suffix wildcard) to redirect all pages matching a prefix. Prefix and infix wildcards are not supported.

  • If a wildcard is used in From URL, the part of the URL that matches the wildcard can be used in To URL with the :splat placeholder.

  • Redirects without a wildcard match paths with or without a trailing slash, e.g. /install matches /install and /install/.

  • The order of redirects matters. If multiple redirects match the same URL, the first one will be applied. The order of redirects can be changed from your project’s dashboard.

  • If an infinite redirect is detected, a 404 error will be returned, and no other redirects will be applied.


Redirecting a page

Say you move the example.html page into a subdirectory of examples: examples/intro.html. You can create a redirect with the following configuration:

Type: Page Redirect
From URL: /example.html
To URL: /examples/intro.html

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

  • From to

If you want this redirect to apply to a specific version of your documentation, you can create a redirect with the following configuration:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /en/latest/example.html
To URL: /en/latest/examples/intro.html


Use the desired version and language instead of latest and en.

Redirecting a directory

Say you rename the /api/ directory to /api/v1/. Instead of creating a redirect for each page in the directory, you can use a wildcard to redirect all pages in that directory:

Type: Page Redirect
From URL: /api/*
To URL: /api/v1/:splat

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

  • From to

If you want this redirect to apply to a specific version of your documentation, you can create a redirect with the following configuration:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /en/latest/api/*
To URL: /en/latest/api/v1/:splat


Use the desired version and language instead of latest and en.

Redirecting a directory to a single page

Say you put the contents of the /examples/ directory into a single page at /examples.html. You can use a wildcard to redirect all pages in that directory to the new page:

Type: Page Redirect
From URL: /examples/*
To URL: /examples.html

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

  • From to

If you want this redirect to apply to a specific version of your documentation, you can create a redirect with the following configuration:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /en/latest/examples/*
To URL: /en/latest/examples.html


Use the desired version and language instead of latest and en.

Redirecting a page to the latest version

Say you want your users to always be redirected to the latest version of a page, your security policy (/security.html) for example. You can use a wildcard with a forced redirect to redirect all versions of that page to the latest version:

Type: Page Redirect
From URL: /security.html
Force Redirect: True

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

  • From to


To URL includes the domain, this is required, otherwise the redirect will be relative to the current version, resulting in a redirect to

Redirecting an old version to a new one

Let’s say that you want to redirect your readers of your version 2.0 of your documentation under /en/2.0/ because it’s deprecated, to the newest 3.0 version of it at /en/3.0/. You can use an exact redirect to do so:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /en/2.0/*
To URL: /en/3.0/:splat

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to


For this redirect to work, your old version must be disabled, if the version is still active, you can use the Force Redirect option.

Migrating your docs to Read the Docs

Say that you previously had your docs hosted at, and choose to migrate to Read the Docs with support for multiple versions and translations. Your documentation will now be served at, but your users may have bookmarks saved with the old URL structure, for example

You can use an exact redirect with a wildcard to redirect all pages from the old URL structure to the new one:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /dev/*
To URL: /en/latest/:splat

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

Migrating your documentation to another domain

You can use an exact redirect with the force option to migrate your documentation to another domain, for example:

Type: Exact Redirect
From URL: /*
Force Redirect: True

Users will now be redirected:

  • From to

Changing your Sphinx builder from html to dirhtml

When you change your Sphinx builder from html to dirhtml, all your URLs will change from /page.html to /page/. You can create a redirect of type HTML to clean URL to redirect all your old URLs to the new style.