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Gospeak database schema

Which developer never thought of building a website to manage conferences and talks? Here is the perfect example with groups, events, talks and more. This can be a quite generic example to build several kind of services for people and companies.

Gospeak is a project to help meetup organizers to keep up with all their tasks, mostly finding speakers and venues, but also sponsors. It’s also a tool for speakers to track they CFP (Call For Papers) submissions to conferences.

It’s done by HumanTalks Paris organizers, it’s open source, mostly written in Scala with Play framework.

Even if quite specific, you can easily take some inspirations for any service that manages users and organizations or for any marketplace.

BTW, if you want to do a 10 minutes talk on any subject more or less related to tech, you are welcome to submit your talk to HumanTalks Paris ^^

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