Blockchain tracks food all the way from farm to table

The secure ledgers of the cryptocurrencies are ideal for many start-ups, Josephine Moulds writes
Arc-net’s ledger keeps a record of everything from veterinary issues to movement between farms
Arc-net’s ledger keeps a record of everything from veterinary issues to movement between farms

The career move from butcher to blockchain entrepreneur might sound an unlikely one, but Kieran Kelly’s experience in both fields is proving extremely valuable in his current business.

Arc-net uses the technology that powers bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to build a trustworthy record of an animal’s life all the way from farm to supermarket shelf. He is one of the many entrepreneurs building a business around the supposedly incorruptible blockchain technology that is inspiring start-ups far beyond the bounds of the virtual currencies that have been grabbing the headlines in recent months.

Initially designed to enable bitcoin, a blockchain is a digital ledger hosted across a network of computers that can mutually verify transactions. Since no one custodian owns the data, it is supposed to