We are happy to announce our latest release of Manjaro we call Nibia.

Some might want to shoot for the moon - well, we shoot for the four moons of Nibia.

Nibia is a planet with multiple moons. In the year 2285, during his mission of vengeance against James T. Kirk, Khan Noonien Singh swore that he would chase Kirk around the moons of Nibia and beyond before giving up. (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

Gnome edition is the epicenter of new exciting features. It received a major overhaul, possibly the biggest update thusfar.

Gnome 3.38 provides performance enhancements, significantly improved application grid, parental controls, excellent welcome tour as well as many other features. The new OEM style installation makes the installation process extremely simple, and Gnome-Initial-Setup lets you easily install Manjaro for other people.

Manjaro’s Application-Utility got also many improvements, letting easily choose your favorite browsers, office suites and password managers. We also included two excellent forms of automatic window tiling: the intuitive Pop-shell and the touch friendly Material-shell. These can be enabled in the Gnome-Layout-Switcher.

Keybindings have also been improved to manage virtual desktops more efficiently. Automatic dark mode has gained more granular controls and also let’s you automatically change the theme of qt applications as well. Gnome edition also now comes with boot splash and graphical password dialogs for encrypted systems. We also trimmed the desktop so that it should now use approximately 40% less ram than before. We now also default to using Wayland on non-Nvidia hardware.

Our KDE edition provides the powerful, mature and feature-rich Plasma 5.20 desktop environment with a unique look-and-feel. The new release features Wayland improvements, grid-like system tray, new power saving options, improved settings-center, touch support in dolphin and much more. With a wide selection of latest KDE-Apps 20.08 and other applications Manjaro-KDE aims to be a versatile and elegant environment ready for all your everyday needs.

With our XFCE edition, only a few can claim to offer such a polished, integrated and leading-edge Xfce experience. With this release we ship Xfce 4.14. The stable Xfce pairs well with the cutting edge rolling release that is Manjaro, offering reliable performance with no surprises.

Kernel 5.9 is used for this release, such as the latest drivers available to date. With 5.4 LTS-Kernel minimal-ISOs we offer additional support for older hardware.

Last, but not least, our installer Calamares also received many improvements. Among other things, it now supports encrypted systems without encrypted /boot partition. This enables graphical password dialogs, using non-us keymaps for inputting passwords and up to 1 minute shorter boot times compared to full disk encryption. Automatic partitioning still uses full disk encryption by default.

We hope you enjoy this release and let us know what you think of Nibia.

Download Nibia


Almost nothing downloading, poor servers.

I get full speed here. Make sure you choose a mirror close to your location when your are on the OSDN page:


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Ok, but I tried to use a torrent.

No probs here. I have downloaded them all already and seeding now.


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Great news!

It seems those changes are only available to new installation. Are those trimmings reproducible on existing Gnome installations and how hard that would be?


One of the team members have explained this here.

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Change the dynamic wallpaper to static one. That is all. We discovered that the dynamic wallpaper had absurd resource usage and dropped it.


@emke and @Chrysostomus Thank you!

I am so excited! I am a like a kid at christmas opening presents. lol So I just installed a fresh gnome and the WOW factor is definately there. It is so snappy compared to PoPOS. No problems to report so far. :ok_hand: Hats off to all involved and thank you!

You can find a release announcement at distrowatch:

A post was split to a new topic: Screen brightness

Wasn’t able to boot the install media with 6800XT, tty screen came up ok but the KDE desktop failed. (black)

Is there no magic trick I can try in the boot line to resolve this.

Did you also tried the ISO with linux54 kernel?